Welcome on board
The "Köln" Class Frigates

The original name plate and bow crest is now hanging

on the Eigelstein Torburg in Cologne.

2. Escort squadron

The first new escort vessels built for the Federal German Navy were designed using the experiences gained during the Second World War.

Between 1958 and 1964, H. C. Stülcken+Sohn, Hamburg, designed, built and after extensive trials, delivered six frigates of the "Köln" Class.

The ships were intended for an escort role, especially for anti-submarine hunting work, for which they were additionally designed.
These were the world's first ships to have a combined diesel-engine / gas-turbine drive on the CODAG
1 - principle,
but still with two very large engines by BBC
2, but ones originating from non-marine design rather than purely marine design.

These engines required large air-inlet ducts and exhaust systems which gave a unique appearance in the shape of the overall superstructure.
The frigates successfully completed their coastal and deep sea trials. Eventually in the 1980's, after 20 years service and with their technology now outdated,

they were retired from service and de-commissioned.

The international call signal of the "Köln-F 220"


to 31.11.1981 "D - B - R - V"


from 01.12.1981 onwards "D - R - A - K"

Technical data of the "Köln-F 220"

Name origin:

Small cruiser "Cöln"

Commencement of construction:

December 21st 1957

Baptized and launched:

December 06th 1958

Setting into service:

April 15th 1961


December 17th 1982, after 310.000 nautical miles

Since November 15th 1989 Köln serves as

Safety trainings ship - in Neustadt / Holstein

Construction costs:

Each about 70 millions DM

Type displacement: 2090 ts

Construction displacement: 2425 t

Full-load displacement: 2969 t

Length in the Construction water line: 105,00 m

Overall length: 109,83 m

Largest width: 11,02 m

Construction depth: 3,54 m

Depth in front: 3,40 m

Depth with employment displacement: 4,61 m

Page depth: 6,50 m

Measurement results: 2121 BRT,  661,10 NRT


Between 210 and 238 men.

initially 14, but in the end 18 officers.

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The 5 sister ships, the frigate "Köln"

F 221

F 222

F 223

F 224

To the range that frigate "Lübeck"

F 225

1= CODAG - Combined Diesel And Gas

2= BBC - Brown, Boveri & Cie
